Saturday, September 11, 2010

They're people, and they have no homes.

More exploits from Rockies game kid! My last day of work, he came in at least 3 times. The first, he seemed fairly coherent, just wanted a refill. Second time, he asked for some candy, which I bought for him. The third time, my girlfriend had just got off work and she brought our dog and came and saw me for a little bit. That's when this kid (I still don't know his name) came in. He was obviously drunk. First thing he did was come up to the counter and ask me if I knew what the purple thing on his nose was. I told him I had no idea and he looked really bummed. He then asked me for a cigarette, which I couldn't give him because I don't smoke. He sat and tried to get people to buy him a pack of cigarettes, which I told him he couldn't do every time he did it. He got someone to bum him one and he left, which I thought he was gone. Came back in after he was done and sat back on the cooler. He tried to get me to let him take home some of the porn mags, and now I'm just getting annoyed. He bummed a cigar and then left for good, but not before tripping over and knocking over the cooler full of ice and water, which spilled all over the floor. I spent the next 45 minutes trying to dry the floor. Little fuck.

I haven't seen Gary or Caveman for a number of days. I hope they're both OK. My best wishes.


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