Friday, September 3, 2010

Gary, Gary, Gary

Gary is easily my favorite regular. He is incredibly nice, always polite, works hard, and just does his thing. He came in a few days ago to tell me that he had talked to someone at a rescue mission in Kansas that said he could help him get his life back together and that he was going to be going. I was way stoked for him. He bought his Longhorn Wintergreen Longcut and his ice cream sandwich and went on his way. Came back the next day and had a doozy for me. He was hanging out in the park he was planning on sleeping on in Englewood and some drunkard sicked his Boxer on Gary. Gary always carries a tazer with him to protect his bike (I know, he's showed me), so he gave the guy a zap. Cops were called, drunky goes to the hospital. A day later, Gary comes in and tells me the guy died. Now, this is where I start to get suspicious, but either way I wouldn't be surprised. But according to ol' Gary, the police said it was completely justifiable. Gary the killer.


  1. MASTER KILLER GARY! at least he zapped the guy and not the doggie, dont want the crazy animal rights people getting involved.
    at my job we dont get too many regulars, but we do get a couple people that we have to deal with more than once.

  2. He said that animal control came and took the dudes dog away. I wanna find it and adopt it.
