Sunday, August 29, 2010

Cavemen, meth scabs and the saga of Gary

In my last week, I worked all 7 nights, and got to know some people pretty well. We'll start off with The Caveman.

The Caveman is a short, stocky fellow with a long beard beard and long white hair. He's always completely wasted and really pissed off about something. The last encounter I had with him was when he came into the store trying to sell me corn. Apparently, him and some buddies got a crop of corn and were selling it for a few bucks a dozen. I told him politely I couldn't buy any, gave him a water and sent him on his way. He came back a little while later to tell me about on his way down the street, the owner of another local business threatened his life! Now, the Caveman won't stand for that. He served our country and took more bullets than 50 Cent. He continued to tell me about how he would have ripped the life out of this man, but he couldn't go back to jail. He then took another water, left and probably passed out somewhere.

Gary is another homeless man than comes in every day. He's incredibly nice and I feel bad for his situation. He's 60 years old and spends all day riding his bike around looking for places to sleep that he won't get hassled by the cops at. He spends the rest of his time LOOKING FOR JOBS. The other day he brought me in a stack of every application he had filled out/turned in. It must have been at least 60 places. He's a convicted felon so not many places will take him. He told me the story of how he fell asleep during his Starbucks interview. Good dude.

There's a young girl, 18 at most, that comes in every couple days to buy cigarettes and little snacks. She's covered from head to toe in scabs. She's always very polite, but mumbles so I can't understand a word she says. She came into my store, bought her things and then asked to go to the bathroom. I showed her where it was and went back to ringing people up. A little while passed and completely forgot she had come in. About an hour later, I went to go clean the bathroom before closing and found her dead asleep on the floor. It was honestly one of the saddest things I'd ever seen. I hated having to tell her she had to leave, but I couldn't let her zzzzz in the bathroom. People gotta poop.

As soon as told her to leave, a guy in his mid-20's ran in and stood in front of the counter. I asked him if I could help him with anything and he told me that the cops were chasing him and he just needed to stay here for a few minutes. No matter what I said he wouldn't go so I just let him stay for a little while. The whole time he was insisting that he didn't do anything, he just had warrants, but a cop wouldn't turn their car around when they see you for a warrant. YOU DONE FUCKED UP.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

And so it begins...

Today is my second day here at the Silco. I created this blog to entertain and inform. You see things on a day to day basis here that I never thought I'd see. This blog his here to chronicle my experiences as a cashier at a gas station. In my 2 days I've already made friends with more homeless people than I'd ever like to admit. Things can only go downhill from here.

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Location:S Broadway,Denver,United States