The first time the older gentleman came in he talked to me for about an hour or so, spilling his guts about his ex wife, drug problems and what was going on in his life. He ended up crying a bit. It was a very endearing tale. While he was in jail, his wife got remarried. He told me about how him and his ex used to take in stray cats and then adopt them out. He went on a 30 minute rant about how his wife's new husband forgot to bring his favorite cat inside and a coyote killed it. He really has a lot of pain. He came in just to talk a few more times throughout the day. He also told me about how the night before, he had gone out and gotten drunk and had sex with some stripper. He woke up in someone elses house and she had made him breakfast and she got mad at him cuz he told her he didn't remember knocking the bottom out.
Rockies boy came in a few times as well. A few he was drunk, a few more he wasn't. The second to last time in, he came in and was talking about how he had a girl yell at him. I told them both they had to leave for a little bit so I could clean up the store and do my closing duties. The older man left for good, but the kid came back. He stuck his head in and said, "when you're done, I need to talk to you about something." I thought it was pretty weird, but I said OK. He came back an hour or so later. He talked for a while and I finally asked him what he needed to talk to me about. He just told me he didn't really have anything to talk about, he just wanted to talk. :'((((( As much as this kid annoys me, he really bums me out. I feel bad.
Memorable quote of the night: "I DON'T LISTEN TO BITCHES, BITCHES LISTEN TO ME, HO."
aw that bummed me out. you need to find him a date