Things have been pretty boring in the shop lately. Rockies kid isn't allowed in the store anymore because my co-worker caught him stealing. He still tries to come in and hang out every day and we have to tell him to leave. Blue (older homeless guy) still comes in almost every day. He's now living with his mom and talking to his ex-wife again and getting drunk with young black men.
My worry was quelled the other day when the Caveman finally came back in. It's good to know he's still alive. He came in wasted. I could smell his breath and get tipsy. Guy was hammered. Both me and my coworker were in the store at the time and he was giving us advice on women. He told us it was time for him to "chase some nasty women." and then he left. PEACE.
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Monday, September 13, 2010
All advice welcome
These homeless people are starting to become pests. Tonight, they were there literally all night. The two from my previous post and the Caveman. They were all three drunk and sat outside by our shed for literally 6 hours. How do, in a polite way, tell these people they're not allowed here? I don't have the heart to toss out someone who has nowhere to go.
Sunday, September 12, 2010

The first time the older gentleman came in he talked to me for about an hour or so, spilling his guts about his ex wife, drug problems and what was going on in his life. He ended up crying a bit. It was a very endearing tale. While he was in jail, his wife got remarried. He told me about how him and his ex used to take in stray cats and then adopt them out. He went on a 30 minute rant about how his wife's new husband forgot to bring his favorite cat inside and a coyote killed it. He really has a lot of pain. He came in just to talk a few more times throughout the day. He also told me about how the night before, he had gone out and gotten drunk and had sex with some stripper. He woke up in someone elses house and she had made him breakfast and she got mad at him cuz he told her he didn't remember knocking the bottom out.
Rockies boy came in a few times as well. A few he was drunk, a few more he wasn't. The second to last time in, he came in and was talking about how he had a girl yell at him. I told them both they had to leave for a little bit so I could clean up the store and do my closing duties. The older man left for good, but the kid came back. He stuck his head in and said, "when you're done, I need to talk to you about something." I thought it was pretty weird, but I said OK. He came back an hour or so later. He talked for a while and I finally asked him what he needed to talk to me about. He just told me he didn't really have anything to talk about, he just wanted to talk. :'((((( As much as this kid annoys me, he really bums me out. I feel bad.
Memorable quote of the night: "I DON'T LISTEN TO BITCHES, BITCHES LISTEN TO ME, HO."
Saturday, September 11, 2010
They're people, and they have no homes.
More exploits from Rockies game kid! My last day of work, he came in at least 3 times. The first, he seemed fairly coherent, just wanted a refill. Second time, he asked for some candy, which I bought for him. The third time, my girlfriend had just got off work and she brought our dog and came and saw me for a little bit. That's when this kid (I still don't know his name) came in. He was obviously drunk. First thing he did was come up to the counter and ask me if I knew what the purple thing on his nose was. I told him I had no idea and he looked really bummed. He then asked me for a cigarette, which I couldn't give him because I don't smoke. He sat and tried to get people to buy him a pack of cigarettes, which I told him he couldn't do every time he did it. He got someone to bum him one and he left, which I thought he was gone. Came back in after he was done and sat back on the cooler. He tried to get me to let him take home some of the porn mags, and now I'm just getting annoyed. He bummed a cigar and then left for good, but not before tripping over and knocking over the cooler full of ice and water, which spilled all over the floor. I spent the next 45 minutes trying to dry the floor. Little fuck.
I haven't seen Gary or Caveman for a number of days. I hope they're both OK. My best wishes.
I haven't seen Gary or Caveman for a number of days. I hope they're both OK. My best wishes.
Saturday, September 4, 2010

How do you pay for your cigars?
One of the kids from the shelter really, and I mean, REALLY likes Black Stones. I've never seen him not stoned out of his mind. He's awesome. He came in and had a bandage around his arm. He got his usual of 6 Cherry, 4 Vanilla, 2 Wine and pulled out a card, which is something new. It was a card from the plasma bank. I guess they don't give you a check anymore? But this kid loves his Stones so much he will LITERALLY sell his body for them. Get on his level, smokers.
Now, sad time. Kinda. There's another kid from the shelter that regularly comes in. He is always asking for something. The phone, the bathroom, money, etc. The first time I saw him he was coming in to ask if we were hiring, and if we hired people with felonies. This kid can't be older than 18. Bummer. The last time he came in, he used the bathroom, and then came back out with 2 tickets and asked me if I wanted to go the Rockies game with him that night. Legitimately bummed me out so bad to say no. All I could think about is how this kid has nobody else in his life that he can go to a baseball game with other than the weirdo that works at the gas station. I quickly stopped giving a fuck when he stuffed 2 packs of Junior Mints into his pants, but still. Ruined my day.
Now, sad time. Kinda. There's another kid from the shelter that regularly comes in. He is always asking for something. The phone, the bathroom, money, etc. The first time I saw him he was coming in to ask if we were hiring, and if we hired people with felonies. This kid can't be older than 18. Bummer. The last time he came in, he used the bathroom, and then came back out with 2 tickets and asked me if I wanted to go the Rockies game with him that night. Legitimately bummed me out so bad to say no. All I could think about is how this kid has nobody else in his life that he can go to a baseball game with other than the weirdo that works at the gas station. I quickly stopped giving a fuck when he stuffed 2 packs of Junior Mints into his pants, but still. Ruined my day.
Friday, September 3, 2010
Gary, Gary, Gary
Gary is easily my favorite regular. He is incredibly nice, always polite, works hard, and just does his thing. He came in a few days ago to tell me that he had talked to someone at a rescue mission in Kansas that said he could help him get his life back together and that he was going to be going. I was way stoked for him. He bought his Longhorn Wintergreen Longcut and his ice cream sandwich and went on his way. Came back the next day and had a doozy for me. He was hanging out in the park he was planning on sleeping on in Englewood and some drunkard sicked his Boxer on Gary. Gary always carries a tazer with him to protect his bike (I know, he's showed me), so he gave the guy a zap. Cops were called, drunky goes to the hospital. A day later, Gary comes in and tells me the guy died. Now, this is where I start to get suspicious, but either way I wouldn't be surprised. But according to ol' Gary, the police said it was completely justifiable. Gary the killer.
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